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WolfPack Poms PuppyApplication
PRINT, fill out and return via email: or text 772-341-1723
today's date_________________________________
Name___________________________________________________________________________ phone__________________________________________________
address_____________________________________________________________________________________ email___________________________________________________________
city__________________________________________________________ state____________________ zip_____________________
If you are interested in a puppy from a future planned litter indicate mom/dad names here________________________________________________________
is puppy for a _____pet/companion (no breeding/show rights) OR _____breed/show
if you are a breeder, owner/kennel name or website___________________________________________________________________________
desired gender: _____male _____female _____no preference
any color preference?________________________ how did you find out about us: ___website ___referral ___PetPom ___AKC ___other
will puppy be raised inside?________________________________________________
do you have small children or large pets at home? ___________________________________________________________________
how many hours will puppy be left home alone? ______________
do you need puppy shipped? _________________ which airport?______________________________________________shipping at buyer's expense $600 depending on location: includes flight with pet nanny, health certificate, puppy info pack, starter kit (food, toys, blanket with mom's scent)
Thank you for taking the time to fill out our application. Please allow us time for review, we will get back to you as soon as possible.
Dawn Johnson, WolfPack Poms